Page 11 - BRIDGES - ISSUE 7
P. 11


                 The power of English as a bridge for creating                    do, and neitherwas the past. We must
                                                                                  pressforward to find our best. There
                 cultural understanding in EFL classes                            are no limits to future abilities, just
                                                                                  limits to what we can do now. We
                 ««                               nication, and motivate them to teach  should keep in mind that innovation
                                                 from a global perspective.       matters because people matter, and
                                                 Special Interest Groups must be set  change succeeds or fails according to
                 suits in a course where the textbook  up to1.conduct research on language  how people individually and collec-
                  becomes the "bible". Focusshould be  teaching content, methods, and  tively respond to it. We simply must
                 on depth of coverege rather than  approches hat can help students be-  keep shining the light of knowledge
                 amount of content coverege. Teach-  come activeglobalcitizens in their lo-  and wisdom on the darkness of igno-
                 ers must open space for facilitating  cal cultures; 2. develop instructional  rance, prejudice, ethnocentricism,
                 critical thinking.Teachers havealmost  strategics that promote tolerance,glo-  streotypes, and racism until we find
                 complete power over what happens in  bal awareness,cultural understanding,  our best. If wecontinue onsuch a path,
                 their classrooms because they estab-  and social responsibiity; 3. work to  at some point in the future, humanity
                 lish theclimate and structure the learn-  overcome national stereotypes and  will bridge thegap between reality and
                 ingexperience.Therefore, the teacher  negative images held by teachers and  utopia. And the present power and
                 is an important variable in students’  learners that hinder peace, coopera-  state of English will be very helpful to
                 learning to think. The teacher is a  tion and trust; 4.disseminate teaching  make this vision happen.So let’sgive
                 facilitator of learning who helps stu-  ideas through publications, research,  a chance and do not wait politicians,
                 dents todevelop their intellectso that  ready to use classroom materials and  historiansorother government organi-
                 they can produce their own ideas, not  the web;5.arrange workshops,semi-  zations to lead usor tell us what todo.
                 just reproducesomeone else’s ideas.  nars,conferences that introducesELT  If not us who, if not now, when.
                 Those students taught to think criti-  professionals to fields such as global
                 callywill learn howtolisten better, read  education, peace education, etc. 6.  References
                 more carefully, pay closer attention,  work tofurther the profession by mak-
                 and react more knowledgeably to me-  ing English language teaching more  Altan, M. Zulkuf. (1998). "Critical
                 dia, government, and commercial  relevant toworld realities; ELT  Thinking&SomeStrategicsof to De-
                                                                                 velop Critical
                 propaganda.Students will seek alter-  members and affiliate groups world-  Thinking in Education". Cukurova
                 nativesources of facts and ideas.They  wide who are working in areas linked
                                                                                  UniversitesiEgitim Fakultesi Dergisi,
                 willquestion both theirand theircoun-  toglobal issues;and8.toestablish links  2,17,
                 try’s role. They will challenge their  with professional associations to ex-  215-221.
                 teacher, themselves,and others to pro-  plore ways of working together to  Altan, M. Zulkuf. (April, 1995).Cul-
                 vide solutions to world problems. In  achieve mutual goals.
                 fact students needs habitsof mind that  After such pre-service and in-service  ture in EFLContexts-Classroom and
                 make it more likely that they will be  training process, teachers would be-
                 able to resist propaganda and manipu-  gin to discuss global isues, eg., war,  Modern English Teacher, 4(2),58-60.
                                                                                 Hardy, Charles. (1989). The Age of
                 lation. Critical thinking is absolutely  peace, human rights, environment,  Unreason. London: Cox &Wyman
                 necessary to recognize the process by  hunger;  social  issues,  e.g.,  Ltd.
                 which information about the world is  ethnocentricism, streotypes, racism,
                 filtered and processed.         prejudice,violence, powerty,social in-
                                                 equality.They would grow ideals,eg.,
                 Preparation of ELT teachers     social responsibility, global awareness,
                                                 tolerance, cultural understanding,so-
                 First of all ELT teachers need "global "  cial justice, respect for diversity and
                 knowledge about the world in general  world citizenship.
                 as well theirsubject mattersthey teach.
                 Content and experiences in global  Conclusions
                 education need to be infused through-
                 out teacher education programs.Sec-  Startingfrom the late20th century, it
                 ondly, Field experiences,study tours,  became an educational must that the
                 semesters abroad, student teaching,  needs of humanity transcend cultural
                 internships, student and faculty ex-  differences or national borders as we
                 changes,in othercountriescan be high-  share a common future. However, we
                 lighted as some of the ways teachers  are all aware that the present state of
                 can build cultural understanding, de-  theworld is not the best humanitycan
                 velop skills in cross-cultural commu-

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