Page 15 - BRIDGES - ISSUE 7
P. 15
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"Peace Education isconsciously both children and adults.
c£ ad0we/ti teaeflunp striving toeducate [our]successors
not for the existing state of affairs but SKILLS: Such as listening to
so asto make possible a future better others, making moral analysis,
humanity" cooperating,communicating,
by (John Dewey,Democracy and problem solving, and questioning
Dr Marina Mattheoudaki Education) thestatus quo.These skills help
School of English children to:
-analyse the world around them
Department of Theoretical & What is Human Rights Education? - understand that human rights are a
Applied Linguistics way to improve their lives and the
Aristotle University of Human Rights Education is lives of others
Thessaloniki education about, but alsofor human - take action to protect human rights
rights.For example:
• Teaching people about interna- KNOWLEDGE:Such as knowing
tional lawor about human rights that human rights documents exist
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Human Rights Education
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violationssuch as torture is teaching and which rights they contain, and
about human rights. that these rights are universally
• Teaching people how to respect applicable to all human beings and
and protect rights, is teachingfor inalienable.Also knowing the
human rights. consequences of violating human
Human Rights Education is all rights.This knowledge helps children
about helping people todevelop to to protect their own rights and the
the point where they understand rights of others.
human rights and where they feel
that they are important and should ATTITUDES: Such as that human
be respected and defended. rights are important, that human
There are various books pub- dignity is inherent in all people, that
lished by the U.N.which give basic rightsshould be respected, that
information for teachers in primary cooperation is better than conflict,
and secondary schools, as well as that we arc responsible for our
some practical activities.The actions, and that we can improve our
activitiesgive children SKILLS, world if we try.These attitudes help
KNOWLEDGE, and ATTITUDES children to develop morally and
which they will need to work towards prepare them for positive participa-
Marina Mattheoudaki is a s a world free of human rights tion insociety.
member of the Interdiscipli- violations.These aspects are
nary Youth Team of the : encapsulated in each of the activities METHODOLOGY: Participative,
bya participative, interactive
UNESCO Chair, Aristotle educational METHODOLOGY. interactive methodologyinvolves
University of Thessaloniki M Participative methodology has been children fully in learning. Alongside
Source: . « IS found by human rights educators to their teacher, they become active
explorers of the world around them,
httpdlwww.erc.lirea.orglLibraryl SS be the most efficient and most rather than passive recipients of the
powerful way to develop skills and teachers’expertise.This methodol-
’ I Lf' attitudes, as well as knowledge, in ogy is particularly appropriate when